Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wyo Christmas

We are enjoying a white Wyoming for Christmas break. We forgot our camera (typical), so this is the Willoughby half of our holiday; we spent the first half in Glenrock with my Dad and Terra's family (so more pictures to come).
Julie June is loving the snow and she is borrowing a pair of snow boots that used to belong to Emily and Trev! Mom knew eventually all those little person things would come in handy one day:) Julie got a princess bike, just like she had been asking for, complete with matching helmet and knee pads. She also received a beautiful princess night gown from Grandma June that she is wearing on the bike. She has had to do her practicing down the hallway since the 3 feet of fresh snow would be to her waist:)
Nash took two little steps from one chair to the next; then the next day he graduated from army crawl to a "real crawl." Also, since we have been here, 3 massive teeth popped through his top gums, making it a set of 5 for all the eating he continues to do! He is loving trucks and naturally knows how to make their sound effects and crash them together.

Nash man sporting the new hat that Grandma June made him! Thanks Grandmama!

Emily, Trevor, Bryan, and I decided to do some snow wrestling. It was 3 on 1 and Bryan still was able to throw us in all corners of the yard to declare his victory! We were all fairly bruised and tired, but got up the next morning and went skiing/snowboarding. Julie and Nasher stayed home with grandma Julie and kept an eye on the mountain all day for any sign of us. Thanks Grandma Julie for the fun day at Hogarock!

Trying out her princess bike in her cowgirl outfit from TT and Grandpa Mike, complete with wranglers, sparkly belt and buckle, and hot pink/black cowgirl boots.

Coloring her new princess coloring book in her other princess nightie from Aunt Kendra. The girl is OBSESSED!

Gearing up to build a snowman and "tep in it," as Julie says, with Aunt Emily.

Making sure she has the most stylish hat.

This ensemble was the winner:)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Some Recent Videos of the Kids

***P.S. Pause the music to the right so that you can hear the video

New Wilkinson Blog

I have begun my blog! I decided that for all those that weren't on Facebook, I should find another way to show off the kids and update everyone on what's going on with our family. With that said, a few updates....
We are headed to Wyo for Christmas. We will spend some time with Grandma Julie, Papa Phil, Emily, and Trevor and then we will be in Glenrock to see Grandpa Mike, and TT (auntie T - shortened to TT when she was learning to talk:). We are also hoping to visit our friends in Laramie for an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. We are hoping for some snow so that the kids can sled and make their first snowman, and hopefully we adults can hit the powder a few times!
We just finished the 1st trimester and are all enjoying our schools. Julie and Nash go to an in-home preschool with a wonderful family. There is only one other girl who is Nash's age, but the little boys will still play princesses and ponies with her occasionally. Julie knows her ABCs, can count to ten, and is always surprising us with new clever questions and statements. Nash is still army crawling, but is now pulling himself up and standing. He is huge! He weighs 28 lbs., only 7 less than his big sis! He is very different than Julie. He is calm, quiet, likes to sleep, likes to empty all the cabinets and bang the stuff together, and is still a great cuddler. His big blue eyes and dimples make him irresistible:)
Bryan is a natural. He is successfully manages being a first year teacher, getting his masters in education, and still being a great father/husband; all the while keeping his cheery, optimistic attitude. He gets up at 4:30 a.m. to begin his first class at 7; teaches, grades, plans, picks up the kids, sometimes has to go to his own class, helps with dinner, baths, stories and bedtime, does a little homework, makes lunch for the next day, and then it's off to bed to be ready to start the next day! He will tell you that it is no "piece of cake," but he makes it look pretty easy:)
I am teaching 3rd grade again. I am really enjoying my class this year; especially without the stress of maternity leave looming:) It is intense as always, teaching children who are in 3rd grade, but because they are learning English, have learning disabilities, or rough home lives, they aren't at a third grade level yet. They all work so hard though and hopefully we are doing our part so they will be ready for Bry's class someday:)
We have been thinking a lot about the positives and negatives about living here versus moving closer to home. There are many opportunities here, especially in education. We have both been thinking of becoming administrators, and that process would be much more attainable here with so many schools and more affordable options for graduate school. However, seeing the situations that the kids in this district face, that we never had to deal with, we are apprehensive to raise our children here. We know we have three more years in the district in order to fulfill Bryan's agreement, so we have till then to make our decision.
Okay, well I think that's enough for this post:) Love you all! ~Randi

Saturday, December 12, 2009

"Nasher" (as we call him at home)

Not many smiles during these pictures.